An island race
Whose lost all face
For such a disgrace
Such a waste of space
The unfaroe islands where all we see
Are the butchers and their savagery
Peters film gave us the right
To go and protest with such insight
The pilot whales their corner needs
Fighting for
For there in bleeds
Too many angels wild and free
Hooked in painfully from the sea
The breakers churning blood and snot
And lymph and puke
All this we got
We got it Denmark, we could see
And hear those angels of the sea
See them bleeding and hear their cries
And, the butchering bastards eyes
We could feel each cold grimace
We could feel them flail and chase
One after another dragged into shore
And butchered to death like many before
Knifed through the head
These fiends who shout
We are the slayers thats what its about!
We need to eat them
A creature so laced
With mercury and much vile distaste
The grind is on
So many gone
Not to their maker
Thats all a con
But consumed by evil
The retards who
Act like demons
Thats what they do
No matter what size
All of them grow
Slaughtering whales that we all love so
Denmark stands by with their support
Its up to us
To give some thought
Danish Bacon Danish food
Boycott it all
It may sound crude
But we are desperate to save these souls
We ourselves can exert controls
Hit their pockets hit them hard
For goodness sake hear this old bard
As for the tourist industry
Don’t go to Denmark permanently
The Unfareo Islands
Another place
No caring soul
Should show their face
Cultureless people
Would never stoop
To this vile butchery
This dark troop
Of islanders who now dare to be
Grinding the heads off
Those from the sea
Thank you Peter one and all
For being there
Answering their call
The call of the wild
They scream and cry
It enters our hearts
As each one does die
Thank you Peter one and all
Who were there
Who heard their call
with your voices and sweet energy
For all of the pilots now in the sea
You came together with hearts aglow
And put on a really amazing show
And all the whales so feel it true
And are really indebted to all of you
2 Responses to The unfareo Islands Protest