There was a lone photographer
who apparently came from Japan
he was looking towards us
and with his Iphone he began
taking lots of photographs
his expression was dead pan
I wondered how he felt about it all
what was his plan
I was using the megaphone
and leading those around
and he was taking pictures
and monitoring the sound
Shame on you I cried out
Japan, Shame on you
it must have kind of spooked him
for he looked pale in my view
I kind of stopped to imagine
if I was the Japanese
probably I would be
feeling wobbly at the knees
I mean to say they think of me
and of my country,and I
feel just a bit uneasy
that these dolphins have to die
Clearly they are hurt about it
and, they feel sincere
the fishermen of Taiji
I would not say they were clear
on how the world looks at them
and exactly what they do
under the tarps in Taiji
and out into the blue
as the blood turns the sea red
as the dolphins perish slow
in the agony that we have led
the wide public to know
hanging and always banging
and then the killing spike
each to his own
its what they’ve known
but its clear they do not like
the pressure and the strain of it
its never culture nor tradition
involving heinous pain
for them
and so he, on his mission
he perched himself upon that middle strip
for quite a while
he must have taken lots of shots
at 50,all his guile
was not particularly expressive
to me he seemed opposed
really to what I was saying
although equally closed
was he an opportunist
stumbled on it all
working for a paper
the pictures he could call
off onto his cyber space
perhaps to Tokyo
give the people just a taste
of the Taiji “seaworld” show
and watching quietly as they go
up up and on their crane they go
up on to a high wet truck
being shipped to god knows where
don’t talk to me of luck
transferred from the azure sea
onto a sling it seems
to be a nightmare for them
all their inner screams
are taken on board by us
we watch them as they fly
imagining their misfortune
and their grief that some may die
and all these thoughts
are captured in the faces of those who
came to give their protests
to those, embassy crew
who ventured out to see us
heads down shoulders low
clearly from their body language
they don’t want to know
clearly they feel embarrassed
for them a loss of face
where is this place called Taiji
how come its a disgrace
their country
people shouting it
the name of course Tai ji
it clearly means a lot to them
they feel it earnestly
he carried on his photographs
then packed up, and he was gone
where he came from no one knows
a journalist, a con
artist who can tell us
no one else there does
know who half the photographers were
some seemed very professional
long lenses that infer
at least they were well on the ball
and so we carried on
giving them some welly
until our voice was gone
then we, picked up our Dolphins
and we just peeled away
went into the park to sit
and heard some people say
really what is it about
where is this Taiji
we will have too google it
so really that was key
in the grass there were the crocus
random they grew here and there
a bit like the people who just came together
the experience they did share
the whistles the voices
each had their choices
each motivated to come
and join in the laughter
the sadness it all
and peel off really as some
did and we did around
quarter to four
deflated our dolphins
and caught
a taxi to somewhere to pick up our car
each of us
deep now in thought
the crocus had slept through the winter
and each of them burst into light
some would get trodden on
some would be broken
and some would appear
well just right
people like us, we realized we
can make a difference to those
who are broken and spoken
and left in the cove
where actually only a handful now knows
about them the dolphins who come from Taiji
compared to the world
just a few see
just a few know what is happening there
and just a few happen
to end their despair
some will see crocus
some will not see
but we saw them both
and left happily
selling prettu DOLHINS