Sharks the monsters we have made them

for 400 millions years
this perfect stranger
has roamed through the oceans
maintaining the world
long before Dinosaurs
fought on the land mass
these perfect specimens
really had hauled

themselves into what
must be described as perfection
they are unbelievably streamlined
and they
as the film says are architects
of life as we know it
they have created
what we see today

like the Bees
we must be so aware
of their journey
the Shark is the paramount predator
sculpts all the many available creatures
that share the great oceans
that we over see

The Chinese believe that this soul
has such power
a magical quality
and this really is how
their traditional medicine
developed lets say
and the shark, the great predator
became their prey

the fins are just cartilage
tasteless and they
have no healing properties
whatever they say
its the Chinese the misconception alas
and the money that’s made
for the reasons are crass

they believe they are resistant to parasites
if their people eat them then they will
stronger and can take on parasites too
but reality shows us all this is not true

the oceans are packed now with
those PCB’s with mercury rising
and contaminants please
radiation and pesticides
now impregnate
all the big predators
at a fast rate

so rather than be conducive to health
they are actually dangerous
and therefore the wealth
now being made for the corporate few
really they are screwing each one of you

and the sharks of the oceans are
suffering so
illegal fishing its what people do
there are no regulations set up to protect
its everyone at it they are not circumspect
in the least
they go out there murdering gangs
slaughtering sharks
and having no pangs
of remorse for them
slicing the fins of them and
throwing their bodies back
its done by hand

the ultimate cruelty
laying long lines
its utter carnage
on them nothing shines
they are cruel and barbaric
and kill every soul
from Turtles and Dolphins and Sail fish

nobody cares we’ve forsaken them, we
see them hooked on these lines on these baits
which can be
against every species
its just blood and gore
and all of it wasted
against natural law
snubbed by these ignorant sods
who just have no feelings
who think they are gods

out for the money
they get for the fins
actually reality proves nobody wins
but they are now out there
on their killing spree
even the whales sharks
are murdered we see

the carnage the waste and we know
what they do
sacrifice thousands of creature
to view

the sharks fin makes soup
and the Chinese they say
they need to eat this shit
some every day
its gives them great status
though heartless and sick
and ignorant really
and totally thick

“Jaws” came along the film
we all know
it put the big wind up so many
the show
was complete fabrication
for sharks really are
shy individuals, they sense
they may spa
a bit with us sometimes
but as they were portrayed
monsters of the deep
upon them was laid

sinister thoughts
reputations to match
they were the monsters
and such deeds did hatch
if we went into the water
we could expect pain
they were man eaters
which of course is insane

it made Jaws so popular
and frightened us all
it got into our psyche
and it did appal
most of us its there still
so the great white
everyone knows
that it has a big bite

and everyone fears it
and every shark too
so if people kill them
most take the view
its another one less
who can bite us and so
it opens the flood gates
for destruction to grow

and the Chinese and the pirates
and the illegal are there
creating such devilish dark and despair
sharks are now hunted all over the place
being cold bloodedly murdered
by the human race

we are the predators
we are the fools
we are the ignorant
yes it appals
any of us who know what sharks are about
who know they have value
of that’s there’s no doubt

wasting their talents
as now we all do
will see our end coming
much faster its true

Sharks fins cost 200 dollars
per pound
and with China embracing
the affluent bound
for stardom
in that regard more sharks now die
illegally caught
and the profit is high
around the Cocos island we know
so many sharks live, give birth, and grow
without regulations
flourishes really upon the salt sea

Sea Shepherd was asked by Costa Rica
to come
to help stem the flow
and to try and save some
so they painted their ship
and they sailed all those miles
and harassed the illegals
but got into piles

of trouble for money talks
money is all
most think about
that’s why the shark figures fall
many are endangered the ultimate price
its costing the planet
and its all in a trice

such waste and carnage
this long line fishing scam
nobody sees it
as some boats ram
each other the great corporations
they know
their henchmen are murdering
sharks down below

and with so much corruption
everyone pays
lip service to rogues
with their slippery ways
Paul Watson knows only to well
how it feels
to be in the midst of it all
which reveals

it becomes a miasma that strikes at the heart
and he is left holding the baby
the start
of investigations come down on the wrong
party for
the good take the rap
and the bad win the war

and nobody cares
and no body sees
we all turn our heads
saying yes if you please
we live on dry land
we don’t know what they do
slaughter the innocent
and the illegals woo
will the truth surface?
is a question they ask
it may do but all the while
bad people bask
in the great mass of dollars
that sweep into their soul
they will pay others to create
the control

of government agencies
all around the world
money in back pockets
when it is hurled
it tends to turn heads
it tends to break hearts
and all we now see
piled up in great carts
is millions of fins
and so much money made
by the ignorant few
who have now clearly made

a fortune, and are killing
sharks everyday
blood fills the oceans
as these sharks decay
causing pollution
the solution we need
is to get regulation
and make it succeed

all these illegals
string them up on a wall
and just make them realise
they are hated by all

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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