The toffs of Cumbria

Despite the covid lockdowns
Despite the rule of Law
The toffs well High on fino
Are hunting more and more
In the Orthwaite area
The Cumberland Hunt are there
The hounds in cry I wonder why
The Cumbrian cops
Turn a blind eye

TheY scratch each each others backs
It seems
Drinking partners true
Landowners and terrier Men
All team up to do
The dirty on the foxes
Its what the classes view

Its the gentry Class
of inhabitants
Much more Cultured they
Are Breeding cubs
For hounds to chase
And encouraging
more each day
Targetting the schools as well
The tangible desire
Of recruiting youngsters
to the craft
Of fighting fire with fire

Despite the law the leaders
The council and the rest
The publicans and hostelry
Land owners all invest
In countryside and hunting
Its all regulated here
Its marshalled and methodical
Everyones a pioneer

And so the hounds are yelping
The hunts breaking the law
As for the Cumbrian Police
They all know the score
but it is in the blood Of the countryman
Their consciousness is low
Chasing a wild soul until it drops
Is how They Achieve Their glow

Low life togged in crimson
All breakIng the law
A schooner before they mount their charge
And off they go to war
A bunch of aggressive hounds a chasing
Horses and fat arses
believing they are prestigious
Among the higher classes

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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