Insufficient evidence
That’s the judgement here
A lack of understanding
Of the foresight and the fear
We who are the wild ones
Birds and mammals we
Will suffer as life gets tougher
Than we every hoped it could be
An ancient forest packed with
Disenchantment at the thought
Of centuries of history
And all our homes now caught
Up in the insufficient reason
So to say
Thousands of little homes destroyed
So many of us pay
The piper his poor music
The violent the chain saw
The axe the evil rumbling
The crashing on the floor
Of millions of our insect friends
Of the bat roosts often high
Of the birds of many a feather
Up there in the sky
These days judicial laggards
Exist now everywhere
Where is the imagination
We know where the despair
Is we hear the thunder
The screams the cries the sounds
Of tranquillity now blanked out
By the evil that abounds
It’s biblical the pain we feel
The unleashing of such stress
The insanity of all of this
The law doesn’t care a less
Words were meant to create and sing
Not speak drivel like today
The jargon and the gibberish
That clearly is in play
Our warrior friends up trees tonight
Those humans those who know
Chris Packham and his merry troop
In our dear hearts doth grow
And our respect is with them
For all chose to do
He interprets and deciphers
The compassionate view
Tearing down a forest
Once an ancestral grove
Where druids formed their circles
Where us wild ones all drove
Our hearts and minds concealing
Our shy and evasive way
Of living out our lives
And doing it well each day
Our homes our friends our families
Our lives now possibly
And that’s insufficient reason
For the judge who obviously
Hasn’t been to a forest
And realised the power
The history that lies within
Which has formed for many an hour
Perhaps since 1600 Nature
Did her thing
Improved and built on the ground itself
And the trees
That have tried to bring
Fertility and oxygen
Into this fertile plain
Only to see it torn to shreds
To make way for a train