
We found him on a construction site
Looking the worst for wear
Clearly he was hungry
and in his own despair
Scalding at his rear end
And a big wound at his side
His tail was full, of maggots
And he had no place to hide

Surely he was suffering
But lamenting he was not
His courage clearly obvious
It must have hurt a lot
Maggots were a chewing at all the necrotic stuff
and when we brought him back to camp
He had had enough

Looked emaciated and clearly suffering so
We cleaned him up and dusted his with maggots dust
To show
then bandaged him it’s kills the maggots
So the next day, we
Can clean them off and check the wound
and really try to be
As helpful as is possible
And all the time we saw
He must have been in agony
But was calm and very sure

The following day we removed the dressings
Picked off the maggots and
Cleansed the wounds and applied the anti septic
He could stand
And did and we just loved him cuddled him
As well went about our healing
Hope really we could free

Up his pain a little
certainly clean him well
Give him some sweet greenery
And remove him from his hell
Several of our ladies loved him
And we saw
He really did appreciate the love and care
For sure

Probably no one had loved him
For many a long year
Nobody had noticed him
And his life filled with fear
And scalding oh the agony
And when the maggots came
It must have really upset him
But he just remained game

And now with love and care
He is perfect again
He walks around our yard each day
Looking extra vain
But clearly he went through it
And with duty of care.came on through the hardship
And now together share

Our space

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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