This really is sn obscenity
Taking place today
In Baoding south west
Of Beijing
Where 10 million people stay
The most polluted city
At this roadside butchery
Donkeys are all tethered
Waiting To be murdered
The vulgarity
The tactlessness thats there
What else but barbaric
Damnation and despair
Passers by and motorists
Are offered this fresh meat
They can watch as donkeys
Are sledgehammered at their feet
Throats slit their blood
Caught in plastic barrels
Fresh it be
The mournfulness the wretchedness
Anyone can see
Its all about the freshness
And what they see they buy
1 and 1/2 kilos of Donkey Meat
And why
It cost about £10
Its a delicacy
And despite the lack of hygiene
Its there for all to see
The suffering is harrowing
Those poor donkeys who wait
Watching as their friends
Are taken and they know their fate
Tormented and angst ridden
Shaking from the stress
Sunk in deepest misery
And no one cares a less
Its intolerable and insufferable
The authorities are where
Clearly this is undesirable
And filthy too they share
All the contamination
And lack of cleanliness
With the most offensive hateful
Odious deplorable darkly stress
Customers are satisfied
The flesh they buy is true
And that it is donkey meat
Every piece on view
But the suffering is awful
Its callous and its wrong
As to their deadpan expressions
Monsters all along
Unbelievable brutality
From these criminals of sin
Their unconcern and lack of care
And all done in the din
Of traffic passing by
So many eyes can see
And witness all this terror
And hideosity
Butt-ugly these two butchers
Grotesque in every way
Heartless thats a certainty
And those poor donkeys pay
For everywhere is blood snd guts
And bones and fat and those
Passers by who witness this
Feel nothing I suppose
Remorseless and unforgiving
Unmoved and dry eyed
Everywhere its like this
Seemingly denied
They just have no compassion
Its not a word they know
They love the taste of dead flesh
Everywhere they go.
And the authorities apparently
Let them vet away
With what is from the dark ages
Its certainly not today
That any eyes should see this
The evil for its so
Its absolute transgression
A grievance from below
Unpardonable unforgiving
Iniquitous and wrong
Go and look at the donkeys faces
They do not belong
In this world
With these Chinese
Where is the justice here
The paltriness and the meanness
And anxiety and fear
In other places
Street dogs are snatched
And a similar operation goes on
Still to this day