FArm animals have no rights
To life and sanity
They are born to die
Born to cry
And its our inhumanity
Its calamitous behaviour
Divisible ofcourse
Almost 10 million pigs are slaughtered
Thats a lot of apple sauce!
15 million Sheep and Lambs
14 million Ducks
945 million chickens
Clearly this all SUCKS!
2.6 million cattle
2.6 Billion shell fish
And vegans now who wish
The great war just was over
8 BILLION Souls each year
Slaughtered so that human beings
Can fill their guts with fear
With the carnage of the innocent
And wear their skins and hair
And we call ourselves advanced beings
When most of us dont care
Every single second 255
Animals with hearts and minds and souls
Each one will dive
Into our iniquity
Into our swamps of sin
Each wanted to live but was forced to die
This is how we win
The hearts and minds of the angels
We stand in the halls of blood
Of snot of lymph of agony
Washed now in their flood
We hear them screaming all the time
Statistics we YES too
Will join them in the sodden earth
Soon this much is true
Every year in the UK
8 billion souls will die
Murdered by the slaughterman and the butchering class
Who rely
Heavily on the innocent
The miracle of life
Of creation and salvation
Which we commit to strife
The vegans are so sensitive
We hear each soul who dies
It breaks our hearts to know of them
The carnage in the skies
The seas the earth the evil
Its all around us we
Can smell death on the breaths of those
Who protest sometimes who be
Cloaked in blood and thunder
We walk passed them each day
Our sleeping hours are filled with souls
Who all were made to pay
The innocent the beautiful
The feminine the real
All were given the force of life
But they became a meal
Their vital parts were scrambled
And boiled up and were eaten
Excrement in a sick old world
Where the angels all are beaten
Inspired by Robert platts post on facebook today