The willingness to help disabled
Souls find work and thrive
channel 4’s kitchen impossible
Could any survive ?
In a professional kitchen
On the face of it I just felt
It would be really difficult
The way the cards were dealt
Each has their cross to carry
And tenacity to show
Staying power and doggedness
And whether they could grow
In what is a hard profession
Unfalteringly so
Working really till one drops
Plodding on you know
One or two were finding it
Hard in the extreme
Lacking crucial confidence
As part of a team
Unsure and undecided rattled by it all
Loaded with indecision
And not particularly cool
Its was all about rejection how JO public saw
Their countenance and true embrace
Rising from their core
They were in pursuit of progress
A justification for
A job which they could hold down
And in essence score
Michel roux is exceptional
For his patience and his care
Quietly he is confident
And very aware
Thoughtful and sympathetic
Cordial and kind
His use of entente considerably
More than some I find
Teaching them and guiding them
Towards the gentle light
Of preparing first class dishes
That tasted and looked right
Some sadly they relapsed
Due to pressure and alas
They couldn’t really hack it
Not when people come en mass
Restoring their confidence
Prepares them for the way
All can enter the jobs market
On any given day
Its quite an undertaking
To build their platforms high
To work out how they can pull it off
If they can only try
I know its all production
But the essence really here
Is Michael Roux Jnr
Whose gentleness is clear
His knowledge and compassion
And the empathy of his team
Its made for TV sure it is
But it does create a dream
For those dear souls partipating
And for all who see
A reminder really that everyone
Has a part to play and can be
Useful in society that cares
That loves that feels
This is a lovely programme
And for me it reveals
Just how gentle this chef is
No four letter words just praise
A gentlemen and a professional
In so many ways
Thankyou Channel /4 this is
A genuinely lovely programme