When it happens in your face
On the a40 near. Carmarthen
Then its called a rogue pack
The poor victim though was caught
And torn to shreds before our eyes
Forget about all of their lies
The local hunt denies it all
Thats about the size
Its clearly an independent crowd
That obviously has overpowered
A wild soul in its habitat
And chased it to the road
And there they have devoured it
In front of the rabble public
Its all too much to think about
Its Outside the hunting code!
To me all hunting stinks
And here’s a case where hounds got wind
The local hunt denies it
But this poor soul was pinned
Down and eaten by a pack
Of dogs outside the law
Its another reason not to repeal
The hunting act for sure
Despite it its been happening
Hunts still meet we know
And, they still catch foxes
And they enjoy the show
The law was not specific
The toffs decided they
Would go and hunt for foxes
What ever the law did say
And many turned their heads away
Kept quiet about it all
Knew that it was happening
And how it did appal
Some but in the minority
The hunts have friends and they
Can lean those who feel its wrong
And that can be the way
So rather than weaken a system
We must strengthen it and be sure
These hunts these tory sympathisers
Have to be shown the door
The law must in fact be made to work
The police to be on the case
Fox hunting be judged illegal
For it is a vile disgrace