More piggy stories

There is a disregard for all farm animals
Especially pigs they do get a raw deal
Take the family farms in Pennnsylvania
And ask yourself how can this all be real
Downtrodden as if miscreants and criminals
Discomfort is their order of each day
Uncomfortable and ill at ease
A dictum really all might seize
A tale of woe and a price too high to pay

Here they produce wholesome food or so they say
Google shows an idyll in the green
But behind closed doors we see a different story
Something more akin to the obscene
Pigs are social animals caring for their young
And they are intelligent and we
Treat them as if they are morons drive most of them mad
And demonstrate our arrogance constantly

Pigs are sentient creatures and clearly they resent
The torture and the beatings
Its not energy well spent
it proves our mental numbness
Our complete lethargy
Apparently unconscious to their sensitivity
We set out to be cynical heartless even, we
Begin the torture process almost immediately

Brutal and pervertedly we grab male babies and
Castrate them with our pliers do it just by hand
No thought of reducing pain for them we heighten pain in fact
Roughly holding onto them and watching them react
Screaming out in agony and all we ever do
Is throw them down like bits of crap
I mean to say would you?

Do this to a baby rips its testicles clear
Which often ruptures the intestines
And leads to so much fear
Of people and of handlers
The pain i dare not describe
Only because its too much for me
One must think of the poor hog tribe

And our senseless acts of cruelty
Are we impervious to it?
Do we go about in such a daze
Filling our head with shit
Distracted by the moment
In a turbulence of thought
Devoid of all misgivings
Honestly is it that in short?

These animals are our prisoners
They have no place to go
All their lives they put up with it
And it all just seems to grow
More noxious to their being
More toxic to their soul
They suffer our resentment
And there is an awful toll

The extent to which it is happening
The cruelty of man
The tension and the false unrest
That seems part of our plan
To force them into tearfulness
To make them weep and moan
To increase their banality
Those are the seeds we have sown

We have a curious ugliness
And unsightliness for we
Take out our frustrations on each of them
A hideosity
An unlovely disposition
To ravage and to rile
The intelligence of the hog tribe
Who fail to reconcile

Stuck in their squalid cages
Poky dirty crates
Kicked at every opportunity
In the darkness something waits
Is it Cerridwen with the ugliest of traits
Preparing for a showdown
With the operatives who say
They look after the pig boys
And do it everyday

But we all know that rhetoric
Puffing on the net
The pig bogs are in concentration camps
That is my bet
Subject to our vulgarity
Our boorishness our pain
Our tasteless vile expletives
That would drive a nun insane

And there is complete hopelessness
A counsel of despair
Its absolutely desperate
The conditions we find there
Mercy for animals
Comes out and spells it out for us
Their inauspicious future
That nobody will discuss

Great shafts of fear are everywhere
Terror mortal strife
A nervousness that starts when you arrive
And lasts all your life
At any point you could be grabbed
And smashed down on the floor
One minute a dreamy baby
The next your brains are on the floor

Your kicking trying to get away
Away from all this pain
Only to be picked up and
Thrashed yea once again
These are fucking monsters
Paid to do us proud
Craven hearted spiritless
Violence from the crowd

Gestation crates and farrowing crates
Torture chambers where
Mothers are just forced into
Vile cages of despair
The un willingness to understand
Another females pain
The miracle phenomenon
Of birth and yet more strain

The ingloriousness of torture
Where The timing has to be
An insult and a scandal
And notoriety

The riff-raff they employ
Not the countrymen of old
No humbleness to speak of
On violence they are sold
Cowardly and mean spirited
Low life bullies they
Are vulgar and abusive
That is how they get their way

This place and all its management
Should be carted to the cells
Shut these bloody places down
All these private hells
Around the country need to be
Shut down and made to show
The authorities that they care
For pigs and if not then they go

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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