It’s everywhere you turn
The sleeping millions, they
Go about their business
And when asked turn away
Shale gas is so loaded with
Money it can buy
Every bloody politician
Underneath the sky
Shale gas Christ it’s evil stuff
Our green and precious land
Is going to get the treatment
Who can understand
The power yea all that money
Our children they will know
When it’s just too bloody late
That there’s no where left to go
The corporates are marching
Their goon cops everywhere
Full of common purpose
Which leads onto despair
These plastic politicians
Deliver drivel they
Redact the criticism
And hope it goes away
Millions of gallons of water
Stolen from the state
To be shoved down bore holes
At an alarming rate
And back it comes contamination
Rife you wait and see
The vile seismic creative force
Then where will we be
Unconventional drilling an anathema
From hell
It starts with one well and moves so fast
People will not tell
The truth just watch and wait
Witness the destruction
You will see
These bloody corporations
Will destroy you rapidly
The land we have come to appreciate
The trees the grasses they
Will all be turned to gas wells
Toxic ponds away
Across our land of plenty
Evaporator plots
Pipeline grids criss crossing
We shall all be tied in knots
Radio activity and heavy metals
Falling with the rain
The great garden of England
Destroyed by the insane
The industry will shut us up
Their corporate courts will be
Putting us in prison cells
And throwing away the key
Fracking that’s the message
Shale gas it will be
Our saviour their behaviour
It’s to be a key
Industry soon driving every neighbourhood
Destruction of the water, the air and the food
We should
Be up in arms but many
Still, of course turn away
In their bloody mansions
For someone else can pay
When they have no water
To drink not anymore
The aquifers polluted
And the people sick for sure
The beautiful British countryside
Torn down everywhere
All those fine old woodlands
A great space where despair
Replaces all those places
Where we tasted the fresh air
But now we just have bitterness
And pollution everywhere
They deplete the water and turn it into trash
When you turn the taps on
That’s when you get a rash
Nosebleeds ear bleeds such deeds
Are how your life will go
And they will want to buy you out
And you won’t want to know
Your house price will be laughable
To the other side
Only the gas company will offer you
And they’ve lied
You will lose your trousers your knickers
And your shirt
And all you will have to show for it
Is radioactive dirt
The Tories and the others
They are a lying bunch
Fracking is a monster
Who eats us all for lunch
Kills our fighting spirit
Grabbing us by the throat
Destroying our lovely way of life
And sinking every boat
If you have no water
And if you have no air
And all you see is gas trucks
Moving everywhere
Dollars over health the maxim
Then what you will do
Is throw you arms up in the air
And wonder just why you
Didn’t wake up sooner
Why you let these bastards come
Drilling into fertile land
Why your brains were numb
To oligarchs and gentry
Why you let them be
Gods self made the corrupted few
Who will rule the roost just see
They will leave behind the remnants of a country
Rich and green
Woodland farmland lakes and hills
Grey lost and obscene
Bitumin roads the trees all bare
Nothing left for you
Your children and their children
What are they going to do
Bless you and think highly of you
Where everywhere they go
It’s rank and just unnatural
They are sick and now they know
How you sold their future
With your ignorant desire
To believe the fucking governments of the day
Who just spewed fire
dishonesty was thrown about
Arrogance was too
The shale gas corporations
They knew what to do
Throw money at whatever problems
And just change the law
Fracking is attacking
Us in fact it’s like a war
Against the common people
Against everything we knew
Everything we fought for
These bastards they did screw
Those of us who protested
Stood our ground and said
Fracking it is obvious
Where we are being led
But they went to their deaths alas
Bleeding from their ears
The spin the lies were commonplace
As were all the
Imaginable around a bout
The countryside where they
Lived was plundered by these creeps
Some died along the way
They were the protestors
The activists those few
Who stood against the corporates
And supposedly who drew
Some lengthy wrath from some of them
But it was not to be
They lost almost everything
And passed eventually
And now the world is looking back
At how it came to be
That a country green and beautiful
Was sacrificed we see
An unedifying spectacle
A putrid swamp where some
Lived in wondrous wonderment
Under Neath the thumb
Of the gas well corporations
The compressor stations where
All the drill sites leaking gas
A land of dark despair
Cancers foul destruction
A land where all is lost
Hell on earth nothing of worth
Yes That has been the cost