
A child
Lost in a busy station
Crowds of people passing by
But he has lost his mummy
And, does not know why
His dread is in his great big eyes
His terror we can feel
Of course he lacks all confidence
And his fearfulness is real

we can see how frightened he is
How very panicky
Of course, he is timorous
As anyone can see
He is quivering and shivering
And trembling, we know
For all of us have been lost sometime
We were scared and it did show

Take the calf a baby
Just born, it has need
It’s mother, he needs to taste her milk
If he is to succeed
But human beings drink the milk
Though they have teeth to chew
Though they have human mothers
Probably like you

Their mother was no dairy cow
But then the dairies make
Money and they profit
From cows milk
Will you wake
Up and see the human child
Crying all alone
And realise the calf is crying
And it’s mother she does moan

For weeks she knows her calf is dead
She knows she feels it’s pain
You on the other hand are dumb
She will go insane
Knowing that her baby
Is sacrificed so you
Can drink your bloody
Chocolate drink
For that is what you do

Can eat your strawberry ice cream
Or your cadbury’s bar
So you can fill your guts up
It’s the babies food
You are

A baby are you a baby
Of course you are not but we
Imagine we are baby cows
And we, well just let it be
The calf dies in some slaughter house
Wondering, yea why
Why it came to this place
Just so that it could die

Could suffer losing mummy
Like that little boy
Just so dairy companies
Balance sheets bring joy

Each time you down your cup of milk
I want you to recall
The little boy who lost his mum
But had not lost her at all
And remember every single calf
Born will be killed so you
Can buy into the larceny
Which now you know you do

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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