
I am a young Elephant
Born in Sri Lanka
Looked after by Buddhists
A sort of anchor
Weighing me down
With their mindless regard
Their goading rebellious
Enforcing card

This is the temple
Where I get thrashed
Bull hooked and kicked
And quite often bashed
My mahout is harsh
A great domineering
Bloody and brutal
Grabs me by my ear
Pulls me along how it hurts
To be here
A predatory tyrant
Spreading the

Forgetting the moment
The anarchical sense
Such interruptions
That make me so tense
He has the whip hand
Or believes that he does
Thinks I am the under dog
He gets his buzz
Out of taking me on
Out of stretching the point
Bullying me exhausting each joint
Thrashing me hard
And thrashing me long
This whipper snapper
Of course he is wrong

I could just crush him
Pull him apart
Stomp on his body
Break open his heart
His declRation of war at a stroke
Clearly for me this arse
Is no joke
He forgets that. I could
Retaliate hard
Force some retribution
He could be scarred
For life just one
Counter stroke
One rapid retort
Would leave him so injured
Proving we fought

these Buddhist monasteries
Detached are they
From what is reality
Making us pay
For the darkest frustration
They suffer to where
The sacred edifice
Few there do share
Their so called brotherhood
Supposedly shows
Love and compassion
Inside here it grows

But it’s Mumbo jumbo
For how they treat me
A ritual of evil
And of solemnity
Whipping and flogging
Outside the law
Criminous of them
And really what for
Because we are spiritually
On a higher plain
We take all they give us
Even the pain

Keeping our temperance
Our moderation
We know our limits
And our salvation
They are the dregs of society, they
Dress up in their robes
And make others pay

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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