this is not training this is taking advantage


An Orca beached out of the tank

the so called trainer stands

on his back

thats a mean attack

for me this really lands

the trainer and his bosses

in hot water, they

are creating what can only be

the ugliest display


this giant soul could smash this man

crush him with one roll

but sees the need not to impede

and is peacefully in control

but this is never natural

this just cannot be

this is a wild killer whale

that belongs in the sea


there is nothing worse

than arrogance its vulgar

and unrefined

undignified and tasteless

improper and underlined

this is truthfully cruelty

its taking things too far

an Orca needs to be in water

and the trainers are no star


standing on his back like that

is something he shouldn’t do

and all I want now for to see

is a  Orca in the blue

whatever  it would want to do

so close to the sea

it clearly is your prisoner

and its unfair actually


for them its purest tedium

its irksomeness to be

holed up in a rank tank

so close to the sea

to hear the sea birds


and the waves a lapping fast

this is really torture

the flags are at half mast

its monotonous behavior

its nauseating too

its the dreariness and drabness

its not what Orcas do

live in such a dead tank

fed on dead fish

by untrained goons

ponderous sluggish arses

with bodies like balloons 


this is hideosity

aesthetically a crime

unpicturesque and unnatural

and this time after time

unlovely and just frantic

the dolefulness we see

lamentation everywhere

and despondent tragically



About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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