A Trophy for the wall

Another majestic Lion is slaughtered

canned hunting again

this a commodity from a brochure

bought and sold

the pain

of seeing these amazing souls

shot down in their prime

denied of life and sanity

and of course their place in time


these hunters are a heartless bunch

its hard to understand

how sick they really are inside

malicious out of hand

a hatred for the wild one’s

for letting them be free

its nauseating watching

a great beast tragically


shot down and just finished

lost to kingdom come

it really is a loathsome act

you kind of feel so numb

so upset that somebody

some loveless creep should buy

his way into the record books

and a Lion should have to die


its a spiteful dose of cruelty

its vindictive afterall

they are intolerant

of other that they rule

their habitat, they hate that

man rules everything

the rifle and the bullets

show him who is king


I look into this man’s face

and what now do I see

an ugly demonstration

of perceived humanity

an unthankfulness of nature

a tearless dry eyed slob

and whatever that dear Lion he looks

pained which makes me sob


morality where is it?

a graceless reprobate

conscienceless and thoughtless

he made the victims date

the Lion just had no chance

in all of this the shot was fired

and the that was it

the Lion was hit

and the poor soul expired


no guilt no criminality

not seen as a misdeed

he will not be convicted

he’s seen to succeed

in fact he is the victor

his courage is unique

salt of the earth

that is his worth

a good sort at his peak


until the world recounts it all

the evil that abounds

how hunters buy there way into the lives

and deaths, the grounds

are open for them

to just come and blow dear souls away

assassinate them when they feel like it

on holiday


their punishment is coming

for the karmic bank will close

they are clearly overdrawn

and the overdrawn amount grows

and suddenly it hits them

from where it came may be

they didn’t tie it in with what they killed

and so sadly

it goes on into perpetuity

and animal earthlings die

many never had a chance

sold off where the lie

the trophy hunting business

is making lots of dough

and the evil spreads across the land

as most of us now know


is coming

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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