The Somerset Levels and the fracking corporations

Its so hard to get my head around this question

where we live and die should now be seen

as something the great governments should

know about

to me such  motives really are obscene


to allow the flooding of our wondrous countryside

maybe even to see it happen so

the land can be sold off to would be frackers

at a fraction of the cost

just goes to show


HAARP and Geo Engineers their arrogance

has taken over every salient thought

fracking shale gas out of land belonging

to the people

who find themselves enveloped

and now caught


up in what was planned

a true reality

flushing out the  anti fracking souls

the corporate march to move a population

exerting real involvement and controls



the minister responsible came quietly

never told the local MP he

never told the council clearly an agenda

is fast approaching and apparently


is hopeful that the land can be created

where fracking heaven turns into a place

where energy is torn out of the deepest bowels

and local people moved what a disgrace



This is Britain this supposed democracy

if it is sustainable we shall see

people moved into the concrete jungles

the countryside is not the place to be


a long term plan is that it will be sold off

to frackers and the energy then sold

like the great tar sands in Canada

what they see is asses counting gold


local people they will be soon herded into

places in the cities where

they can live in concrete towers forever

in their ticky tacky in the air


the oil barons are after tearing substance

they want the earth the land and those who live

anywhere where there is wood or valley

polluted land once pristine now will give


them a price to sell on to the frackers

a killing will be had it seems to me

the countryside is not a place for people

its where they make and sell the energy


if this is truly what they think about us

they wish to steal our land our homes our soul

then they will have to realise

that people will rise up, rise up and of course take a new role


will die perhaps creating what was heaven

for them the simple life historically

its in the blood of everyone who lives there

the thought that hell on earth was possibly


created and debated in the cities

by grey suits with the corporations who

are coming soon to take away our heritage

United is this kingdom

good and true


I can’t believe that we are going down this road

this corporate takeover of all we know

foisted on us by the wicked barons

whose coffers with their bankster friends do grow


Somerset the levels they are flooded

farm land is destroyed and all they get

is 10 million allocated  its generated

a movement which is growing like a debt


a movement of resentment and  the people

who live there suffer greatly and are sure

life has changed and the government are not helping

Yes uncertainty is  knocking on the door

sewerage contaminates the farmland

perhaps the agents hope that they now will

make a killing  flogging the land  to  frackers

bring on the earthquakes pollution  every spill

wasting vast amounts of precious water

and dumping vast amounts of water that

is so polluted it can never ever be used to drink

for that my friends is where it appears we’re at


The Isle of Avalon

and all its history

the red and white springs

and the chalice well

ruined by the greed of would be frackers

who turn our paradise into their hell

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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