I am flummoxed by the attitude
of the younger Royals today
William wants to destroy the ivory
so the papers say
Harry killed a Buffalo
shot it in its prime
they go out hunting
now and then
and do not care a dime
for wild boar it goes silent
then suddenly we hear
they are talking up
the saving of wild life
it is clear
they have no clue
of where they stand
for killing is their thing
and Brian May sees through
the maze
and to the table he does bring
the sense of it
the hypocritcal stances that we see
they all seem to be at it
hunting tragically
I can’t respect them for this
they are clearly in both camps
killing and then spouting
appearing to be champs
in saving the wild species
it sounds like balderdash
anyone who can shoot
a buffalo dead
that life can trash
what the hell was he thinking
testosterone on fire
the Royals to me are hypocrites
their position remains dire
going out and killing
wild birds and bovines
tells me they are evil deep down
for they are the signs
not of angels I can tell you
severing a life
and posing for a photograph
the finality and strife
caused to the dead animals
their loved one’s left alone
somewhere grieving for them
possibly unknown
but suffering that emotion
simply, so they can say
we went out in the bush
and shot a Buffalo today
The Royals in fact speak with forked tongues
the believe they have the rights
to kill and yet be spokes people
for animals their sights
are in the clouds for certain
not in the real world where
people who love animals
are so much more aware
its true it was 10 years
but the boars were killed
this year
so if there has been a change of heart
its really none to clear
of where they stand
and if they care
or not
it feels to me
perhaps a statement
from them both
regretting the killing spree
its just a suggestion
at the moment how can they
be out there saving animals
what does it really say?