A mouse is not in anyway
a Human
and testing drugs on them
is a waste of time
you do not need a Phd
a white coat or a mortar board
to know this just ask me
or a 3 year old will tell you
but eminent people spend
millions testing drugs on mice
and the experiments they defend
Sepsis, Burns and Trauma
on mice have been a waste
millions of dollars down the drain
for it was mostly based
on so called supposition
of fooling people who
coughed up dosh
but did not know
or didn’t have a clue
to me, its not rocket science
and most who think a while
a mouse is nothing like a human being
this in our minds
why is it
when we sit back
and we think
more Phd’s more white coats
more mortar boards
a link
that knowledge that a mouse
and humans
just are not the same
more money down the swannie
that great proverbial
and millions of sad mice
have all been sacrificed
yes torn apart in experiments
lives over in a trice
a mouse is not a human
experimentation flawed
I wonder where the years
of mice research notes
are now stored