Methyl Iodide is yet more arrogance
Man’s belief that in essence that he can do
Anything that Nature does
Though this is really just a buzz
Inside his head, because he’s clueless to
Sea Vegetables give off this under oceans
But synthesized by Chemists its not on
It becomes, a DNA changing, fumigant
And to call it “Midas” somehow that a con
Perhaps its lucrative but then so many things,
Are lucrative, but the essence really here
Is to change whatever it touches into the purest gold
And infact, apparently its more like fear
It abounds in negative energy for its dangerous, when its used Rodale and Panna say they,
won’t sleep content in their beds till it has been banned
and really there is not a lot more to say
because on strawberries its really the chosen one
Replacing Methyl Bromide to be sure
And hopefully it will be banned before too long
It will not be injected into soil no more.
To me though there’s a fundamental problem
Something going wrong at the approval stage
Too many nasty chemicals seem to get the nod
And then a battle rages for a an age
To somehow keep this stuff out of the sod
Perhaps approvals,are not as good as they ought to be
the trials are not as accurate as we hoped
Or could there be another reason why
because if its as stringent as everyone makes out
why is it that the errors appear high.