Its not the Badger’s fault

Our little striped friend
How can he defend
His position with liars afoot
With Corporate money
Sloshing around
And often so beautifully put
They talk about taxpayers money
And thousands of cows every year
Are getting the chop in the old abattoir
And of course all of this, people fear

After BSE,came into warn us
Re-stocking took place mighty quick
Regulations were filed in the industries draw
Whether or not cows were sick
They were moved here and there
All over the place
And Bovine TB It returned
Movements and testing
had gone by the wayside
Control for a time
it was spurned

In the Island of Manx
The old Isle of Man
You won’t find a Badger about
But you will find TB
so it does seem to me
To say that its Badgers
proves doubt

Movement control
Ventilation a role
Double fencing at boundaries
If cattle get close to each other
of course you do get some saliva share
The gene pool
The Blood lines
testing both ways
This is the way we should go
And its all down to stress
Standing in mess
Is related, its proven, its so

Be aware of the cow machine syndrome
Where the cow is regarded as how
The Dairy Farm makes enough money
They forget that its just an old cow
They induce it to give more and more milk
On a diet unnatural as hell
Milked by a machine
its all very mean
And from this kind of treament
they sell

The idea that sickness
Is down to a badger
A clean little soul
of the earth
So Many cows now are fed on the maize
a selenium shortage
a question to raise
Immunity ravaged
and now what we see
EMR everywhere
and cattle be

so very sensitive
But we ignore
They’ve got to make money
or their kicked out the door
Selenium licks have found favour with some
But farmers prefer to kill Badgers
They’re numb
to suggestions that they
are the route course and shout
louder it seems creating the doubt

But people should realise
many cows die
those not in calf
with mastitis
on the fact that still
more are sterile
and they
are shunted off quick
how can they pay
Lameness another big problem
they face
Could be down to concrete
so there is a race
of people who tell you
one thing and believe
Killing a little wild soul
will achieve

A TB free country
I’d like to chip in
That Badgers are innocent
Culling is sin
And now the Coalition
Takes it all on
Krebs and is findings
That stuff’s all gone
Its a new set of Corporates
Shouting about
The Badgers again
And there now is no doubt
Its easy to set up a system
to cull
that shoots them at night
From Penzance to Hull
A National campaign
but before that a trial
and whatever happens
a solid denial

The Badgers have had it
In England it seems
In Wales there’s no cull
And in Scotland
where dreams
are made
There’s no cull
and not much TB
How sad for the Badgers
and how sad for me

Peta suggests
and it is fine with me
That we boycott Dairy
reduce it weekly
Let them feel the pinch
Let them see we care
About little creatures
That God has put there
Peta suggests
and I think you all should
Hit the Corporates hard
It will be good
For you, for your health
For the cows for us all
And for the Badgers
Who have broken no rule

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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