
The disrespectful can’t imagine
How callous they can be
Importing any Kangaroo
For the life of me
To pair them up with so called fighters
Of The noble sport
In a ring with boxing gloves
In point of fact in short
Take a wild marsupial from Australia
And to make
The sensitive react to what is surely make
Or break
a human up against a Kangaroo
In a valid fight
Of course it cannot be allowed
Because it isn’t right
An animal from the outback
Australia’s key soul painted on the National Airline
It becomes their role
But clearly disrespecting wildness round about
Be wary of the circus
And know that those who shout
Special acts to try and steal
The limelight seem to me
To be a bloody car crash
To criminality

The circus organisers close them down at once
Return the roo to a sanctuary
And put an end to stunts
Like these for they are contemptible
And degrading for the roo
Nothing here is positive
And really very few
Should have ever crossed the rubicon
For all of this is wrong
The Kangaroo has a uSp
and has had it all along

In the Far East though
There have been cases
Where Kangaroo’s have had
Their claws removed for with their power
A contest could turn bad
Their toe nail could quite easily
Disembowel a man
Which is why they have been butchered
And why there is a ban

There is no greater miracle
Than the angel of the bush
As wild as god intended
So powerful he can push
A full grown man to hell and back
So circus is a place
Where deviants find purpose
And become a true disgrace
Torturing and maiming
Kangaroo’s at will

There have been bouts in the US
And in Thailand too
But it is criminality
And it doesn’t ring true
butchered Roo’s are victims
And circus has no place
A so called specialist act in fact
Which is clearly a disgrace

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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