It all happened at salt creek thanks to GUMTREE

The horror film
they had discussed it
A very frightening movie
And so they
two young women
Agreed to join up and
Travel off to Salt Creek
Two hours outside Adelaide
That day

A wilderness these backpackers
On a journey just to see
The sea and dunes
The natural world of splendour
And must be
The Coorong Prince highway
And both agreed to go
And now were passengers
In the car of a man they didnt know

Their advsrtisement on Gumtree
If someone could give them a lift
And a certain Roman Hine
Said he was free
Do you get the drift
One girl came from Sao Paolo
The other from Germany
A holiday of a lifetime
Was the plan
On the 9th of February 2016
They met the guy
A 59’year old man

Unbeknowing to the girls
A lady one Sylvia Clark
His lady friend He had raped
And left his bloody mark
All over her so many bruises
But she hadnt told the police
A month had passed and he
Saw the girls
For him it did release

All that pent up perverseness
so he picked the two girls up
And drove them for two hours
Away and out of Adelaide
It all seemed within his powers
Of reasoning he told them
Let us all camp here
And they set up camp
And both were tired
Both harbouring some fear

It was awfully isolated
The sea the sand the sky
A wilderness of wonder
And they were wondering why
He stopped there of all places
With nothing much to do
And they began to feel frightened
But glad that they were two

He was clearly masquerading
As a helpful soul
But had brought along two hammers and a knife
And it seemed his goal
Was to actually rape and murder them
And bury them somewhere
Where nobody would find them
Which would add to their despair

The wolf creek film
was in their psyche
They mentioned it before
Leaving and in the thick of it
Their inner fear was raw
Alana had been sleeping out there in the car
But Beatriz she was closer to Roman
not that far

Lets go out where the Kangaroo’s are
I will show you, they
Walked together towards a spot
When Roman made his play
For Beatriz he just grabbed her
Put his arm around her neck
Pulled her down onto the sand
despite being a wreck

He wanted to have his way with her
Which ofcourse he said
I will break your fucking arm
And, leave you for dead
He punched her, and the adrenaline
Was heaving at that time
She didnt feel any pain at all
And just wanted to climb

Off the floor and leg it
She thought then that would be
Where her mum might find her body
And so thankfully
She summoned up the courage
Persuading him that she
Then shouted out For Len
Who came over to see

“I just wanted to try her”
Beatriz was in the nude
Clearly very frightened
Roman was very crude
When seeing lena
He chased and Beatriz
Ran and hid
He balled at her
And bashed her with a hammer
In a bid
to stop her
Then he hit her three more times
He copped his lid
he was after killing her really
Right away
And she ran and jumped upon his car
On the bonnet and away
Up upon his roof she crawled
Bleeding terribly
Reminding her of blood rain
Falling painfully

All this time Beatriz was hiding
Naked in the bush
Hines was clearly angry
He trying to push
Her with his vehicle’s bull bars
Driving hard and fast
Trying to dislodge
Her, though her die she felt was cast

She said it was like a rodeo
A terrible attack
He kept on bloody hitting her
And she tried to kick him back
Driving he reached people
Who noticed them and they
Rang Adam Stewart who rang the police
Meanwhile they picked up Beatriz
Naked on the sand
She ran infront of their vehicle
Which was hard to understand

She confirmed what had happened
And they decided they
Would chase down Roman in their car
And they found him not far away
Stuck in sand
The police arrived And arrested him
That day
The relief nobody else would be hurt
Both girls were taken to
Hospital to recover there
Both feeling good and true
And they would bond forever
Thats why they both felt they
What they both had gone through
Left them wanting to say
They never blamed Australia
Only the man and they
Subsequently heard at his trial
When Sylvia made her play
The judge though didnt believe the rape charge
Despite the bruises she
And was pleased that he got 17 years
Sentence and would be

The girls were clearly traumatised
And Beatriz in Brazil
Said she
couldnt go out after dark
His perversion left her still
Very very frightened
These two girls clearly they
Managed to get through the ordeal
But scars don’t fade away

A terribly chilling encounter
With a psychopath who felt
The need to torture and murder
With all their cards now dealt
These two young women were tough
And strong
which was why for Roman
It all went wrong
Backpacking can be serious stuff
And these two souls clearly
Had it rough

Evil monsters do abound
Looking normal as they walk around
Two young women were taken in
And almost found his wanton sin
Too much to cope with but they knew
They could save each other
For very few
Young women could have been so stalwart
As these two who use inventive thought
Artfulness and subtlety
And actual ingenuity.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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