Falsehood at the Dairy

The spuriousness and falsity
Untruthfulness and mendacity
Pathological lying here
Falsification and constant fear

The dairy industry purports
So many fables in our thoughts
Cows on grass such peaceful fields
Baby calves the picture builds
Of perfect serendipity
Of what indeed is heavenly

Its window dressing
Its fraudulent depravity
Disingenuous garbled too
Its all baloney and that is true

Its barren feed lots
A sterile yard
They stand in their own shit
To guard each other
Thousands of them sigh
Stress and injury
Till they die

No shade to speak off
Just concrete pens
Its hell on earth
Crammed in like hens
Physical stress and injury
Lamed and maimed
Its a fallacy

Calves are taken
When they are born
They cry for each other
When they are torn
Away its heartwrenching torment
And they
Suffer enormously

You drink their milk
So they must die
You are the cow now
Me oh my
The calf is slaughtered
One by one
Their time on earth
Ofcourse is done

Mothers are raped
They then give birth
Children kidnapped
Thats gods earth
The calves are killed
The mothers weep
And you drink their milk
To help you sleep

Or its on your cornflakes
Every morn
Icy cold creamy let me warn
You you are responsible for the death
Of the baby calves
Goodbye to breath

Connected to the great machine
Milked to death
Each has been
Injured teats exuding blood
And pus it comes out
In a flood

Mastitis suffering day to day
As in their excrement
They lay
Shit and urine
Blue bottles too
The stench of waste
Is good and true

If you live down wind
The huge great pools
Of shit and urine
The devil calls
Out the name you are to blame
The stench of death
It yours by name

Heartless deceptive industry
Really its a mockery
Trumped up bogus imitation
A false impression
Every nation
Pulls the wool over our eyes
Really it just justifies

The milk industry
It betrays
The poor sick cows
They have seen better days
Its concentration camps today
How the females pay
For that chunk of cheddar
Down the pub
A clear invention
A barefaced rub

Be wary of dairy!

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, Animal rape, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, ccorporate America. Bookmark the permalink.

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