Bruins ruin

Huntsmen give the impression
they are snooty
Such nobility
always on the right side
Of the law
full on integrity
Its their sense of honour
Being top knotch but we know
Anyone caught hunting foxes
Is in my book really low

More often than not
they are villains
Wicked! thats their game
Fox hunting its against the law
And badger baiting its the same
Those of us from the countryside
See them as dolled up spivs
without a place to hide their face
Really it just gives
The police
dont seem to want to know
Step foward the sabs those who
Are private individuals
Just trying to do
What is right by the wild souls
That frequent the countryside
And to think these groups are killing foxes
And its all denied

One David Thomas leader of
a fox hunting fraternity
Was also into badger baiting
In North Wales,his dishonesty
Totally crooked shamefulness
this is what they do
And the police dont actually help
By turning a blind eye
Thats my view

They get so bloody arrogant
They do,what they want
Actually they are criminals
They are not the actual font
Of all things bloody wonderful
They need a stint in gaol
They are murdering our wild life
Which is an action thats most foul

On his farm artifical badger setts
And hounds
and others come to watch and cheer
its, so out of bounds
the spirit and the
such devious rascality
And what is really going on

Cruelty to his own hounds
Wavering disloyalty
Double dealing double crossing
Its villainous venality
Often they are bankers magistrates
The police
Hoteliers all posh ect
Keepers of the peace

Its the sabs that get a kicking
Its the sabs that take the can
They are facing all this wrath
The evilness of man
Who may just blow his hunting horn
And be dressed up To kill
And ride his horse having Had a tipple
But for me all this does chill

Me right through to my marrow
How they get away
Riding through peoples gardens
Like they did the other day
Through a feline sanctuary
And through a busy town
Trail hunting they are idiots
And they all should be put down

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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