Palm oil

Magnates and tycoons
And fats cats have prospered
SIngapore Indonesia and Malaysians
Have witnessed the forests
Burned to their roots
Moving the indigenous out of the way
Animals surely have lost all their habitat
Now several groups control all we see
Concealing the losses to country and fauna
While making a killing that should never be

Underhand dealing and misinformation
The banksters are at it and squirrel away
Enormous profits from what is destruction
The rainforest bounty logged out everyday
So much deceitfulness and fabrication
Palm oil is good so they tell us aloud
Too much duplicity to much sharp practice
It doesnt hold water not to the crowd

The impsct on animals the Orsngutan
Elephants tigers psngolins who
Are inconic species along with the tapir
All are endangered duped its my view
Profits amassed atvthe cost for the people
The wider environment too took a hit
Where is the truthfulness?
All this fabrication
Jiggery pokery shams most of it

Its short term profit no prophets in sight
Just schemers and dreamers and people in flight
Corporate wealth as death comes to many
The treess slashed and burned the animals lost
Victims so many vulnerable people
Weedkillers defoliants sprayed everywhere
Insects and birdlife lost in the melee
Look at the countryside and the despair

We have lost all the heritage plants
Of the future
The true herbal medicines lost to the world
Everywhere dying chidren are crying
For in this maelstrom we all have been hurled
Mishandled mismanaged and misapppropriated
Wheeling and dealing the lies they have told
Environments damaged animals dying
So much adversity when there was gold

Non intervention governments at it
People too lenient humanity
Suffering now as the magnates all chuckle
They have made billions and the people now see
Their land sold their title gone in an instant
Ownership lost at the drop of a hat
Wealth in the hands of the super rich banksters
Environments reeling that is where we are at

The person of the forest the great ape arborial
Losing the trees being slashed being burned
Elephants tigers the forests are no more
And all these fat cats none are concerned
They are a passionless bunch of rogue people
Poker faced land grabbing cynical fools
Uninspired luke warm spiritless infidels
Making their money and breaking the rules

Look at the smoke its acrid and burning
Our children are suffering squalor and pain
Cigar smoking boadrooms and cognac on tap
Gutter press tactics and philistine crap
Humiliation offended dignity
Lost homes and flooding and hostility
Where is the good sense that we were all born with
The wild and the feral in purdah they be

Palm oil dont buy into it

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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