The herd a film bringing its darkness into the light

In plain sight
But behind closed doors
Away,from the light
Given due applause

Imagining the emptiness
The absence of the true
Is it groundless is it unfounded
Unimagined yes by you

Bodiless and bloodless
In a tenuous display
Dressed up to look inviting
To the ethos of the day

Surrounded by the darkness
By the devils that do ply
To offer their grotesque demands
And virtually deny

Death and its true intimacy
The sophistry suggests
Is relevant and logical
Psychopathy invests

A patriarchal flavour
Unseen by our tired eyes
Arbitrary and unclassified
Though rooted in their lies

Totally inappropriate
Inapplicable may be
But a consequence of their desire
To create misogyny

In plain sight but unseen of course
More an isolated thought
Of what is actually

Vile discrimination
Non conformity
Not dissimilar in many ways
To the Dairy Industry

Characterless and monotonous
A semblance of the real
A parallelism in regard
To what some p, dare to

The most primitive of prototypes
On a collision course to where
Becomes our base despair

The intrusion into privacy
To a difference of degree
A distortion and a skewness
Into inequality

An element of imperfection
And mediocrity
Complete subordination
A nonentity

Disengaged from leadership
Sequestered to the stalls
The rape rack yes we are on track
For this lot have no balls

It becomes the herd mentality
The anthropomorphism set
The bond between the ungulate
The adhesion that has let

The cabal that believes
Their place in life
Demands of course to be
Subjugating the female
For all eternity

And the ungulates
Are voiceless and the Dairy Industry
Has worked its magic in our brains
With such maturity

We believe the cows are our mothers
Many seem to feel
The cows milk serves our babies
What the dairy does conceal

Is the deaths of all the male calves
The assemblage of guilt
Is put back to the buyer
No not a drop is spilt

Its used in every which way
Rather than as designed
And we become part of the herd
As we are wined and dined

Ungulate bones ground in the wine
And boiled with confectionary
Jellies every birthday
That is where it be

Our children are more cow like
Their IQ constantly
Is lower than it ever was
In this period we see

Standards getting lower
A complete disharmony
An unruliness an untidiness
And upheaval actually

Its the female that is suffering
Being unravelled by
The circumstance of living
The universal high

There is no “me” time anymore
Its been arranged that way
We are ungraded and unsorted
In such disarray

Really so uncoordinated
The family not as one
Helter-skelter higgledy-piggledy
When the day is done

And violence trickles into
The family scene today
Its in our very marrow
Its like we now decay

Because of MANipulation
So disorientated now
And the hooks and rakes
Are used on us
As they are on the cow

The herd was made to highlight
The darkness at our backs
How many of us mother
And are party to attacks

How many of us suffer
Our shades perhaps may tell
Behind those darkened glasses
The aggression of hell

We are raped and we are expected
To give despite our pain
We are often chattels to the brutes
Half drunken and insane

Manhandled bruised and suffering
Because we took the vows
Our contract is to satisfy
We have become like cows

And lets observe the MENtality
The rape rack every farm
Installs this piece of equipment
And each female remains calm

Whilst a man performs so unthinkingly
And females come to harm
The endlessness is prevalent
The monotony routine
Used and abused for profit
No more, than a machine

A baby housing facility
To continually be
Abused by all and sundry
And, so physically

Given to frustration
Beaten down and made
Subservient in every way
Even as our head is laid

Upon the straw of consequence
Despite whatever urge
Your heartfelt true emotions
Hormonally they merge

On a confluence of interest
Inevitably to surge
Out into depravity
Where once again they purge

Your being your unseeing
The aeonian desire
To feel true love for ever
In an immortal fire

Of caring and of sharing
Not of lust for what you possess
The priority to plant the seed
And have no want for less

The cycle and the kidnap
And the inevitability
Of slaughter of the slamming gates
Of never being free

To dream sweet dreams of being
Loved by some ones soul
Instead its to the slaughter house
Where again they take control

You have no cause to resist them
Its the patriarchal close
Death comes with his sickle
Truthfully to pose

Hangs you upside down he does
On his bloody chain
And cuts your throat
And bleeds you out
And makes you feel his pain

You still can see that bastard
With his bloodied trousers red
There’s a heart beating inside somewhere
Soon you will be dead

And cut up and on pristine trays
And females no doubt still
Select a piece they never cease
To amaze you and they never will

We are all part of the herd in fact
Women of the world
We may not be chained in rotten stalls
But in their world we are hurled

The destiny of darkness
The deliberation calls
To have entered this incarnation
And been unloved appals

Each cow that goes to slaughter
The endless conveyor belt
It is complete destruction
That was how I felt

Kneeling in the Summer lands
With the one soul that I found
And loved and will love forever
On this hallowed ground

Inspired by the Herd
Written by Ed Pope
Directed by Melanie Light

j have written over 300 poems on the Dairy Industry and on female animals and this film is one horror film that is real
In so many ways

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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