Coyote boys

The Coyote’s adaptability allows it a free reign
Its a wily individual with a rather clever brain
Its suited to its environment and has an instinctive flair
With a life force thats so powerful and it truthfully does share
Knowledge and regard with others its territory is seen
As important and regarded and seldom has it been
More adept at where its living and it understands a lot
A breadth of mind and a soundness more so than some have got
Those humans who would take them on and eliminate them will
Realise they are able and show enormous skill

Their endurance is remarkable they have the staying power
Trying to eliminate them really knowing how
Don’t work besides they are so very very cruel
They really are an unflagging prey
And up against them its some duel
They really are an incredible
And humans really should
Learn to live beside them
And understand how good

They are for the environment their tendency to be
Closer to their origin and macrobiotically
Undiscouraged by the will of man
Who sees them as a threat perhaps
And defiantly not a fan

Introducing mange and other diseases was thought
To be the way to overcome their tenaciousness so sought
But truthfully it
Hasn’t really worked for they can be
Hardy enough to overcome what is this malady
It is my advice to the human beings
To live with them for they
Have certain true advantages and they may save the day

The object is not to feed them to be careful what we do
To understand the wild ones but certainly not pursue
Not try to hunt them down or trap
That wont do the trick
They all then just breed earlier
As for arithmetic
they can work it out and realise
How the need to breed
to replace lost souls is imperative
And thats how they succeed

Veterinarian’s are arrogant to imagine that they can
Change the pattern of life for them and somehow try to plan
A system that can do away with coyotes but for me
We must all respect the wild ones
Its the only way to be

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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